- Identifying the real needy children, who  are poor, dominated and discriminated. Orphan, destitute, child becoming a child labor, street children, pick pockets, criminals due to the poor family background and due to many other reasons. 
Providing needy children a complete home for shelter, care and love for their systematic growth, both physical and mental.
Admitting them in a good school for their overall development by providing good education from the school.
Campaign against child discrimination and domination.
Helping society in awareness building and empowerment by providing child education and their rights thus by lunching many subordinate projects.
Interconnecting the socially responsible people to work for our needy children   
Mobilization of youth spirit in running NCH so that they become more sensitive and socially responsible and can use their creativity & effort to serve needy children.
Making a platform to grow youth personality and initiatives.
Maintaining co-ordination with different social organizations and local government schools to provide scholarship programs to the needy children.